Friday, February 09, 2007

Chapter 8, Part 2

For example racism, except for a few smaller congregations no major denominations denounce the practice of slavery or its later counterpart segregation (Jim Crow). Moreover, many of those that did renounce slavery still thought that some men were more human than others were. It was not revelation of the scriptures that convinced them of their error; it was that the civil laws changed. If the secular world had not changed the laws, the church would not have changed. In addition, largely we are still a divided church along racial lines. How are we planning to worship the same God in heaven when we cannot worship together on earth? We are still caught up in carnality and flesh.

I know there will be some “church folks” who are going to attack me. They will say I am not from any denomination or seminary, and my past life was a sinner’s delight. However, what has happened is that the church has replaced what one learns from God, with what the church says about God. The church has mandated that every preacher must obtain a license. Christ was asked by what authority He preached and taught as well.[1] I don’t claim to be a spiritual giant or some biblical scholar. I am just a simple man whom God has placed a burden on to write about a subject, which is killing my people. Of course, God has never used simple, fallen men to deliver His message in the past. Besides, there is no way I could study the Word of God and come up with any spiritual truths without translations and instruction from the church, is there?

“And in vain they worship Me, teaching as
doctrines the commandments of men”

Matthew 15:9

Many churches have replaced the laws of God with the laws of man. It is now acceptable for Christians to accumulate great wealth, fight in wars, divorce for any and all reasons, and commit almost any sin in the name of following the orders of this earthly kingdom. We are placing the laws of man above the known teachings of God through Christ. So long as some worldly official orders us to do it, it removes our responsibility to follow God. We become absolved of any complicity in the matter. Well I do not believe that for a moment and any Christian truly familiar with the teachings of Christ would not either. True worship requires true obedience. Not to the laws of man, but to the laws of God. We continue to offer false worship in word only, but without any power. Without obedience there is no power. The modern church has lost its power due to lack of obedience. It is becoming obsolete for what God created it for through lack of obedience. The church does not teach obedience because it is not being obedient. Repent all you shepherds who are leading your flocks astray. Remember those sheep do not belong to you. The one true Shepherd will return and seek what is His. Let those with ears to hear, let them hear.

The problem with the modern church is its silence on so many of the issues facing many believers. By being silent it implies approval or unconcern at the very least. The church should once again condemn the sins of this world in a loud clear voice. This fornication should be condemn in no uncertain terms. This allowing our young women to have multiple illegitimate babies without any condemnation should stop. How can you as a shepherd continue to allow blatant sin to continue within your flock? You should begin to once again preach the Word of God, which is purity and abstinence until marriage. We now have deacons and church leaders who are living with women they are not married to and fathering children. I cannot remember the last time I have heard a sermon on fornication and the responsibilities of obeying Christ. It is getting to the place in this country where we have more people living in sin than living in marriage. The Bible teaches us that we must learn to abhor sin.[2] We are to hate the sin. Our Lord has said that we are to love everyone, so we love the sinner and hate the sin. In our effort to love the sinner, we have forgotten about the sin. It is like if someone steals something to eat because they are hungry; we want to acknowledge their hunger as a mitigating factor. However, before we consider that fact we must first recognize the sin. Stealing is against God’s law for any reason. It is not written that you must not steal for profit, it is written that you must not steal.

[1] Matthew 21:23

[2] Romans 12:9

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