Friday, February 23, 2007

Chapter 9, Part 2

One of two things has to be taking place. Either we do not believe that God has the power to prevent us from sinning or we believe it and either do not care or will not allow that power to work in our lives. In order for this power to work we have to allow it to work in our lives, allow being the optimum word. We must cooperate with the Spirit to not only stop us from fornicating but every other sin that we are caught up in. If we know that God has that power but refuse to allow it to work, then we will face the ultimate judgment of God. When we begin this relationship with God, we are given the Holy Spirit through baptism. God interacts with us through His Spirit. This is why Christ said there is one sin that God will not forgive, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.[1] If there is no Holy Spirit, there is no God.

The beginning of our turning away from the world and our sinfulness is turning towards God. Christ spoke of us having a personal relationship with the Father through Him.[2] That as the Father and the Son are one, so we are one with them. It does not say that they are the same person; it says that they and we are one. Christ told us how God even has the very hairs of our head numbered, sounds as though God already has a very personal knowledge of us.

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy
laden and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

Christ beckons us to Him so that we may find rest from the troubles of this world. He calls us to fellowship with Him and the Father. In order to halt this epidemic of fornication and lawlessness we must have this relationship. None of the man-made solutions; conferences, and wisdom will stop it. Man’s solution is to hand out condoms and birth control pills, which is basically admitting defeat to the enemy. We refuse to use the power that God has so richly given us. We surrender to the worldly wisdom of psychiatrist and social workers, looking to the world to solve the problem of sin. Sin is disobedience to God; period. It is not like just saying no, it is in our very nature. There is no man-made solution for changing our nature. Man reforms, but only God can transform.[3] Man’s reformation is temporary; we reform to accomplish some selfish goal. To get a spouse back, to get out of jail, or to be healed from some dreaded disease. On the other hand, God’s transformation is eternal. When God begins to do a good work, He will not stop until it is completed.[4]

What is a relationship? A relationship is the connection between people. That relationship can be by blood, love, or friendship. Blood relationships, we cannot do anything about. We do not choose our families. Love and friends though, we decide.

How do I develop a relationship? The closest thing we have to the relationship with God in the material world is the relationship we have with our loved ones. Let us use the relationship we have developed with our spouses as an example of how to build a relationship. When you first saw your spouse or loved one what did you do. For most of us we began by talking to them. We then chose to spend time with them. Followed by us allowing them to get to know us, and our getting to know them.

Well in a very similar way, that is how we begin a relationship with the Father. We begin by talking to God or communing with God. I say communing because in truth you do not even have to speak to God. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.[5] I go into this more in the prayer section. God is not impressed by our words, our eloquence of speech no matter how spiritual they may be. God is interested in our hearts. The true test of a deep relationship with God is not in word, but in deed. How often has someone told us they loved us only to disappoint us in their behavior later? We can make our mouths say anything. We want to be judged by our words and not by our actions. In our relationship with God, our words are meaningless. You cannot build a long-term relationship based on lies.

We should begin as a people to spend more time with the Father in true fellowship. We sometimes rely on those fleshly emotional outbursts as proof of our fellowship with God, but I would venture that in deep fellowship with God there are times of silence. We should look more for that type of worship and less to the type that excites our flesh. God is not swayed by our emotionalism; He is moved by our quiet obedience. The enemy has done a good job of distracting us with all the activities of this modern life. It is not the earthly pleasures that the enemy uses alone, he also uses our “churchly” activities. The harvest of the world is God’s, not ours. We pray to the God of the harvest.[6] The enemy in his cunningness has convinced many Christians that their many activities are needed for God to accomplish His mission. When in fact what God is seeking are people who will spend time in His presence bringing the concerns of others before Him. The work of man is for man. The work we are given is to give our lives meaning and to prepare us for our time with the Father. The work is designed to develop character and characteristics that we will need in His kingdom. We spend time with those we want to build a relationship with. Check your schedule. What you spend time doing is what you love, whether that be a person, place, or thing.

As you spend time with the Father you will begin to learn the true character of the Father. He will reveal Himself to you in ways you did not think possible. His Word says He will answer us and show us great and mighty things that we do not know.[7] If you want the Father to reveal Himself to you spend time with Him as His son did. Christ spent time with the Father alone and often. He remained in constant contact and dependence with the Father. Who knew the Father better than the Son and vice versa? In order for someone to get to know us we must be willing to open up and share ourselves with them. In addition, we must be willing to listen to them. When we meet our loved ones we could not do all the talking, we had to listen as well. Are you listening to the Father? In order to listen we must learn to quiet our minds and all the distractions of this world. The Father speaks in a still small voice.[8] He will not scream over the noise of this world. You should be willing to listen and seek Him diligently. The problem with many is that they require an instantaneous sense of gratification. The modern Christian knows little of discomfort, always looking for some sensory pleasure.

We love the noise, but not the silence. We enjoy the sensory pleasure of the music and the choir, but not the quiet of waiting patiently before Him. This true relationship is one, which can endure the silence with peace. The Word says be anxious for nothing.[9] Always, as much as you can be, be at peace within yourself. He who knows the Father knows peace, because the Father gives peace to those whose thoughts are on Him.[10]

[1] Matthew 12:32

[2] John 17:21

[3] Romans 12:2

[4] Philippians 1:6

[5] John

[6] Matthew 9:38

[7] Jeremiah 33:3

[8] Samuel

[9] 1 Corinthians

[10] Isaiah

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