Monday, January 08, 2007

Chapter 6 Part 5

Again, how can we expect the world to do what we refuse to do? The people who create television, movies, and records don’t care about our children. To them they are just consumers, someone to be bought and sold. If we as parents are spending more time in seeking material success in the world than we are in teaching our children, then we are failing them. They may have the latest fashions or electronic gadgets, but what good will these things be in hell? What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul in the process?[1] No one said being a parent was going to be easy. We should stop following the instructions of the “academic community” concerning raising our children. It is time to stop being the friends of our children and return to being their parents. Sometimes being a parent requires saying no, not because we hate our children but because we love them. Parenting requires time and effort. Many parents today want to give their responsibilities to the school, the media, anybody but themselves. Many parents allow their children to spend hours at public places (malls, etc.) unsupervised and when the predators that now frequent these places violate them they seem shocked. Where was the security, the police, or somebody? The true question should be where were you? We as a society allow this to go unchecked too often. We allow parents to shirk their duty to protect their children, because not to do so would require us to look at our own behavior.

“Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair,
wearing gold or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden
person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and
quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

1 Peter 3:3,4

So where does true beauty come from? It comes from the inner beauty of the spirit. A woman will be known and judged by her character. I know this is not what the glamour magazines say, but it is what God is saying. The television and the “so called” celebrities say it is all about what you look like and what you wear. By the way have you ever considered who these celebrities really are, they are for the most part sell-outs to the world. Many of them for the right price would endorse asbestos underwear in hell. Just because you have fallen does not mean you have to stay down or that you must continue to make the same mistakes. Modest apparel is the hallmark of a chaste woman.

“In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest
apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or
gold or pearls or costly clothing but, which is proper for women
professing godliness, with good works.”

1 Timothy 2:9

I cannot say how many women I have seen in church, in church mind you, wearing the prostitutes uniform. Yet they profess to have godliness. They are in church on Sunday true enough and out all night at the club on Saturday. How can you find a godly man at the den of the devil? Rather than staying at home and praying for God to bring you a godly man, you come up with your own plan. God takes too long, He is working fast enough. When has your plan ever worked? And then you expect God to bless this mess that you have created and tossed at His feet. See many of you do not really want a godly man, you may claim this is what you want, but you keep choosing the slick talkers and fancy dressers that are going to impress your girlfriends and let them think that you are all that. In our scripture, it talks about women being in modest apparel; when you begin to cover yourselves, the world treats you with more respect. It shows that you have respect for yourselves. Will there still be sick people that will continue to harass you, of course but I guarantee the number will decrease dramatically when you change your attire. The scripture speaks of how a person is known by the “uniform” that they wear, if you appear gaudy and all made-up the world will perceive you to be a easy woman. Those who profess godliness should be exhibiting it in their lives by their dress, their actions, and their speech. You should not have to tell anyone you are a Christian woman they should be able to tell when you walk into a room, by your speech, your dress, and your actions.

[1] Mark 8:36

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