Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Chapter 3 Part 6

10) Anger of the children

“For son dishonors father, Daughter rises against her mother,
Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; A man’s enemies
Are the men in his own household.”
Micah 7:6

The most distressing result of this epidemic of fornication to me is the pain/anger of the children. The most devastating thing I have heard is the voice of a child looking for their daddy. Are you my daddy? To see the hopeful look of that child turn to disappointment is heart wrenching. According to God’s perfect plan for the family, every child needs a father and a mother. This was always God’s plan. It was that way from the beginning and continues to this day. As much as some women would like not to believe it, children need a father in their lives. It is a painful thing for a child to grow up missing a parent. It is even more painful if the parent is still alive and is choosing not to be a part of the child’s life or not allowed by the custodial parent. To the child it is not important who is right or wrong in our little petty squabbles. They just miss the parent. With fornication, you add a different component, the child as well as the mother may not even know who the father is. We have all seen or heard about those young women on those daytime talk shows who brought a number of men on the show for DNA testing and it turns out that none of the men were the actual father. We look at the women with empathy or ridicule, but how about that child? Who can know the pain/anger that child feels or will feel in the future? Imagine a person so sexually promiscuous that they do not even know who got them pregnant. Where is the outcry? Where is the help? This person is obviously in need of some serious help.

My main concern for this book is the pain/anger of the young men in our community. We have a generation of angry young men. They have every right to be angry. When they were looking for a man to lead them and to guide them, no one was available. I blame them for their actions, but I do not blame them for their feelings. Women, no matter how many men you have been with you do not know what it takes to be a man. You may know what you like in a man or do not like in a man, but that is very different from being a man. Because of this epidemic of fornication, we have a generation of young men that do not know what it takes to be a man. Their concept and definition of being a man is askew. There have been no men in there lives when they needed them and they are angry. They are especially angry with the men of the generation that begat them. They are acting out this anger daily in our communities through the outbreaks of senseless violence. Because of their anger/pain, they do not respect their own lives or the lives of anyone else. Why do you think that they live the lifestyles they live, take the risks they take. In their minds, they have nothing to lose. Nothing to live for. The value of life for them is cheap. Our communities are not friendly places because of this anger/pain. It does not matter who the victim is. Their anger knows no bounds. The majority of drug dealers in our community are these angry young men. The level of violence is off the charts. I remember when I was a young man, all the drugs were sold by whites and there was not this violence. These angry young black men have gotten a hold of the game and with it has come this senseless violence. Back then, you brought your dope and went about your business; you and your business were appreciated. Not so today, buying drugs from these angry young men is an adventure in abasement. You are giving them your money and you are being verbally and sometimes physically mistreated. It makes no sense. It is as if you went to Wal-Mart and the clerks began to verbally assault you as you walked up to the check out line.

The bulk of the anger is reserved for the generation that gave birth to them. Their attitude seems to be you want drugs/poison, no problem. Here you go and I hope it kills you, because you remind me of my parents on drugs. They were off getting high when I needed someone to raise me and my brothers and sisters. I don’t even know who my father is. You think this generation is angry, wait for the one following it. These angry young men believe that women are nothing but “hoes” and “bitches” and are to be treated with no respect. They are not looking for any long-term relationships, let alone marriage. Look at what they have been taught by their parents. They are another generation of fornicators creating another generation of angry children. This next generation will be even angrier and even more violent. I am afraid of what their future will hold. The level of violence is going to escalate to a level that I think will be shocking to all who witness it. Everyday we are outraged by the senseless acts of violence we see or hear about. Our communities are in for urban warfare due to this epidemic of sin. In between the police and the angry young men, we are under siege. God is not mocked. We cannot continue to flaunt our sinful ways before God and not expect any repercussions. What we are doing is practicing intentional sin and God’s word is clear on those that do intentional sin. The Bible tells us that God will visit the sins of the fathers to the sons and the son’s sons. Most experts believe that addictions/alcoholism are hereditary and pass from generation to generation. I believe that for us fornication will be the same. We must begin to act on this epidemic or it will be the death of us as a people. We have become ensnared by this sin and it will be difficult to extricate ourselves from it, but we must. I hear all the time how it is a cultural thing and it amazes me how so inbred it is that we continue to excuse this sinful behavior. Our children will be cut off from God and the face of this earth if we do not act. There is no greater problem facing us today. We talk about our economic woes, and joblessness, but these issues pale in comparison to fornication. If we continue down this road it will not matter how much money we have, it will not be enough to combat the problems we will be facing. We should rally together as a people and speak to this issue. Our very lives depend on it.

1 comment:

mmog37 said...

what's up forgiven...
just wanted to let you know that I often stop by and read...most of the time I just eat and run. You point on so many good things that I usually don't have time to address them all, but I did want to let you know that I appreciate what you are doing is no easy task to stand against the masses and speak the truth...I applaud you courage and your diligence in trying to open our eyes... keep doing what you have been mandated to do...God Bless



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