Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Chapter 5 Part 5

“And when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the
country, saw her, he took her and lay with her, and violated her…
and the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard it;
and the men were grieved and very angry, because he had done
a disgraceful thing in Israel by lying with Jacob’s daughter,
a thing which ought not to be done.”

Genesis 34:2,7

The Scriptures tell us that the men were grieved and angry because their daughter and their sister had been violated. It did not matter the violator wanted to marry her she was violated. I wonder where the outcry is today when our daughters and sisters are violated. Where is the disgrace? The Bible says a thing, which should not have been done. However, if you are out violating other people’s sisters and daughters how can you be angry when it happens to yours. Their sister’s purity had been taken and they did not like it and they let it be known that they were not happy. The problem today is that so many people are fornicating there is no one to speak out against it. There was a time when a young woman losing her purity before marriage was a disgrace, but not so anymore. Do we think that God has changed His mind about sin? I think not! Our young women are being violated everyday right in our midst and instead of anger and disgrace we only want to make sure they are doing it safely. Well they are going to do it anyway, we tell ourselves, and it is only natural. The devil is a liar. I believe God. We should stop making excuses for sinful behavior, not only for our young people but for ourselves as well. We should begin to stand on the promises of God and say enough is enough. Our young women are worth more than this. We should begin to make an investment in our children. They are our most precious resource. It should start with us as men, as fathers. Fathers protect your daughters; let them know that you expect purity from them.

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