Chapter 6
“Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted,
To the oppressed city!
She has not obeyed His voice, She has
not received His correction; She has
not trusted in the LORD, She
has not drawn near to her God.”
Zephaniah 3:1,2
My heart goes out to my sisters. For too long you have had to shoulder the responsibility of the man. You have been looking for a man and have only gotten little boys, just another child to raise. You have been told by the world that you have no beauty, that your features are not right. Yet the same people who condemn them imitate them all the time. It seems that everyone is against you. You are the mother of creation and the mother of us all. Why do you continue to allow yourself to be polluted? You were at the cross of our Savior and sought after Him at the tomb. Though you obey His voice, you do not trust in Him. You have allowed yourself to be corrupted by the world. Instead of drawing near to God you have chosen to draw near the world. You have allowed the world to turn you into a fornicator and a harlot. They have beaten you down so bad that you have decided that being with anybody is better than being with nobody. It is better to be with a dog with fleas than to be alone with God. You have sold your purity and innocence to the highest bidder. In doing so, you have condemned our children to poverty and sinfulness. God has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”[1] With God, we may be alone, but we are never lonely. You were once the purity and strength of a nation, now you have been profaned. Why have you allowed yourself to be perverted by this world? Do you not know that you are a child of the Living God?[2] The Bible says, “that charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised.”[3] Therefore, it is not how the world views you that matters, but how God views you. By what is in your heart.
You no longer desire purity for yourselves, but lewdness. Some of you to be perfectly honest have become downright nasty. The fornication needs to stop. You should not allow the devil to rule over your bodies. It is so difficult when the whole world appears to be “doing it” and no one seems to be against it. I have to ask where the outrage from the mothers is. Where are the older women who are, suppose to teach the young women to be chaste? When did being pure become a bad thing? I obviously missed that memo. Do you not realize that you have given up your royalty for temporary pleasure? How can you feel good about yourselves when all you are to most of the men are objects and not human? You will only be treated, how you allow others to treat you. When you seek after God and purity, you allow God to exalt you and not the world. The world’s pleasure is only temporary, but God’ pleasure is eternal. You have been chosen by God to be pure, to be holy.[4] The Bible calls for you to be pure for your husband in marriage. That it is a disgraceful thing to be a harlot in your father’s house.[5] Therein lies the problem, most of our young women do not live in their father’s house. Therefore, fornication is breeding fornication. Because so many of our children are being raised by single, unwed mothers the children see this lifestyle. It is not what mother says, the children see that mom is not married and her “boyfriend” is coming over, some probably living in the house. What message is this sending our children? That it is ok to fornicate as long as you are an adult? That is not what the children are seeing. They are seeing that it is ok to have sex with a man you are not married to. In other words, it is how the mother is living that the children see not, the words she is speaking. We want to be judged by what we say and not by what we do. However, God says we will be judged by not only the things we say, but also the things we do. Our hearts and our actions will judge us. How can you lay down with any man that gives you a little attention and not have that effect your children. There is an old saying that went like this, “Why should anybody buy a product when you are giving away the store. In other words, why would anybody want to marry you when you are giving away the gift without the marriage or commitment?
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